In March 2007, Patricia A. Husic led a team of shareholders to acquire and establish Centric Bank and Centric Financial Corporation. In less than 120 days, she raised $12 million of capital in 58 days, obtained regulatory approval and closed on the acquisition for the troubled institution. In just 2 1/2 yrs, Patti lead a team to turnaround the troubled institution, successfully rebranded the new bank into a growing and profitable community bank.
As one of only 13 female bank CEOs in the Commonwealth, Patti Husic is committed to increasing the voice and influence of women at Centric Bank. The majority of her senior management team and vice presidents are women and many of them worked with Patti at prior institutions and knew the opportunities her leadership would afford them. Throughout her nearly 30-year career in finance and banking, Patti has always led by example. One of her most impressive leadership qualities is that she has opened doors for all women while forging paths to advancement for herself. “I have always desired to advance in business with an ‘us’ mentality. Early in my career I learned to seek the knowledge and strength of mentors and role models. When younger women see a female CEO, they begin to reimagine their own careers and realize they, too, can achieve a C-suite position.”
Patti is a Past Chair of the Board of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association (PBA), the third-largest banking association in the nation. She is only the third woman in 118 years to serve as Chair. Patti is also chair and Founder of Pennsylvania Bankers Association’s Women in Banking (WIB) Advisory Committee and is the Conference Committee organizer. She has attracted statewide and national attention with this initiative, which launched in 2014. She also currently serves on the board at Holy Spirit-A Geisinger Affiliate and the American Bankers Association as Communications Council Member.